How to [FINALLY] Finish Your Crochet WIPs: 7 SIMPLE Steps to Get Crochet Projects DONE
So here’s the deal, we all have WIPs (works in progress) or UFOs, not those kind of UFOs (little green aliens), but unfinished objects. They are shoved into closets, stuffed under beds or cluttering up space in our craft room storage.
They may be out of sight, but they aren’t out of mind. These unfinished projects occupy mental space and AIN’T NOBODY GOT TIME FOR THAT.
And if you’re feeling that same overwhelm like I did, the time is now to clear out those projects once and for all.
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How to [FINALLY] Finish Your Crochet WIPs:
Plus, I have a free resource for you and it’s my Honey, Get Control of Your WIPs workbook. In it you’ll find my seven step process for getting organized and putting a plan in place to complete your unfinished projects. You’ll find a link to it in the description box below!
There’s the pretty colorful version for those who want to use it digitally, but you’ll also find a bare bones version for those who want to print it out and save the cost of printer ink. Like why does printer ink have to be so expensive????

We are going to go through the workbook together and I’ll show you exactly how to accomplish your crochet goals and turn those WIPs into FOs.
And then at the end of the video I’m going to share the five new things that I’m doing that aren’t included in the workbook. These are tips that I’ve recently learned and have made finishing WIPs more fun!
But first we’ve got to do the hard stuff.

I have found that one of the primary reasons that WIPs stay unfinished is that we have a lack of clear goals or deadlines. One of the best things I have found is to set SMART goals.
A SMART goal is one that is:
- Specific
- Measurable
- Achievable
- Relavant
- Time Bound
By setting SMART goals we can turn our WIP pile into FOs
This post contains affiliates links and at no cost to you I may earn a teeny tiny commission if you choose to purchase them. Please know that I only recommend products I use and love! Thank you for supporting Elise Rose Crochet! You can read my full (and slightly boring) full disclosure here.
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Count All Your WIPs
The first thing we are going to do is to count up all of our WIPs. If you’re using the Honey, Get Control of Your WIPs worksheet you’ll find a space to list them out. If not, just grab a piece of paper or open the notes app on your phone and write them all down.
Even include those projects that you don’t want to list. Look in all your hidey-holes to find them. Don’t move on until you have finished this step!

Find the Crochet Pig Finger Puppet FREE Pattern Here
Documenting all of the WIPs is a powerful step and will make you realize one of two things. Either you’re going to realize that you don’t have as many WIPs as you thought you did OR you’re going to feel completely overwhelmed and wonder… HOW AM I EVER GOING TO GET THESE DONE?
No matter which situation you find yourself in, trust the process and let’s move onto Step number 2.
Does This WIP Spark Joy?

7 AMIGURUMI MISTAKES Most Crocheters Don’t Know They Are Making
In the original workbook this step is listed as step number 3, but I do believe that it’s better as step number 2.
Marie Kondo coined the phrase “spark joy”. Does this WIP spark joy? Does it still make you happy? Will you look forward to working on it? Or is it pure drudgery?
Be really honest about how you feel. Don’t hold back. Write Yes or No on your worksheet in the space provided.
For WIPs That Don’t Spark Joy

If you answered “no” to any of the WIPs from the last question, you will need to do something about these projects.
- Frog the entire project and wind it back into reusable yarn.
- From there you can put the yarn back into your stash.
- Sell the yarn on Facebook marketplace or at a garage sale
- Organize a trade with a crafty friend.
- Donate the yarn to a friend or local
charity. - Gift the entire WIP to someone who would enjoy finishing the project, maybe an elderly neighbor or a friend just learning how to knit or crochet.
- Contact a local yarn shop to see if they would accept the donation.
Gather All the Materials

Now that you’ve decided which projects you’re going to finish I’ve found that it helps to get them organized.
For each project, gather up all the supplies you will need to complete the project. Place them all together, each project separated into its very own pile.
- Main materials needed like the yarn and crochet hook
- Pattern
- Consumable notions like embroidery floss,
buttons, zipplers, etc - Place all the materials in it’s own bag or box.
Due Dates and Deadlines

You should now be in possession of only those projects that spark joy. But we need a plan to prioritize which projects should be done first.
Do any of your remaining WIPs have due dates or deadlines?
Think about gifts for holidays or birthdays.
Do you sell at markets?
Write those dates in your worksheet.
Supply List

Make a list of any supplies you will need to get to be able to fully complete the project. Do you have enough yarn?
Do you need buttons?
What about the correct sized hooks or knitting needles?
Write any supplies you will need to complete each project on your worksheet.
Time Left to Complete

Now that you know which projects need to be done by a certain date, let’s look at another metric.
How much time do you need to complete each project? Don’t get too hung up on getting the exact time projection correct, just guesstimate to the best of your ability and write it in your worksheet.
Order Your Projects

The Most Adorable Amigurumi Doll Patterns
Take the information you gathered about due dates, deadlines and time left to complete for each project. Based on that information decide the order in which you will complete each project.
One tip is that I found that working on the project that I could knock out the fastest was a fantastic motivator.
Quick wins are going to be one of the keys to your success. If you have projects that can be completed within a day, put those at the top of your list.
There is proven research that shows being able to check things off your to-do list actually gives your brain a rush of endorphins. And who couldn’t use a little of that?
Use your Deadlines and Time Left to Complete to help you prioritize which projects should go to the top of your list.
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Five Fun Steps to [FINALLY] Finish Your Crochet WIPs:
Gamify Finishing Your Crochet WIPs
I have found that if I gamify something I will get it done. This is the definition of gamification from the Miriam-Webster dictionary:
the process of adding games or gamelike elements to something (such as a task) so as to encourage participation.
Miriam-Webster Dictionary

For example, I have a 518 day streak on Duolingo, where I’m learning Spanish. Having streaks is one of the most powerful ways I have found to motivate myself. If there’s a streak, I’m going to keep going, every single day.
I have found a new app that I am completely obsessed with and it’s called Habit Rabbit. It’s completely free and you can track any habit that you want to start incorporating into your life. As you complete each habit you help clean up your Rabbit’s little room and makes it more colorful!
I think this is genius. Any time you can make doing something that you’re not really excited about doing fun, is a great strategy for completing those tasks.

Crochet in the Morning
When I began adding 30 minutes of crochet time in the morning I began to see my productivity explode. I don’t think I would have been able to finish my 2023 WIPs if I hadn’t added that into my morning routine.
I’ve lately gotten out of that habit and I 100% guarantee you that’s the reason my crochet productivity has gone down and I’m feeling frustrated about it.
There’s something really special about those quiet moments in the morning that help clear the brain and enable me to tap into those creative juices.

Set timers.
I don’t know what it is about a timer, but it’s like magic for me. One that I’ve been using for some time is the Focus Keeper app. It’s based on the Pomodoro method which is a time management method that involves switching between periods of focused work and short breaks.
But I recently found Study Bunny and it’s by the same creator as Habit Rabbit. It’s basically a timer system, but you can earn carrots for your bunny. You can also add some background music or a timer sound for the background noise if you like that.

Start a Crochet Journal
I recently received this adorable crochet and knit journal from Twice Sheared Sheep and it’s just soooooo cute! You’re going to be hearing more about this in an upcoming video but I couldn’t wait to share it with you.
I think keeping track of those projects you’ve finished and being able to look back and see all the things you’ve already accomplished is a huge motivator.

A FREE Crochet & Knitting Journal for Your 2024 Projects
Sometimes we get in our own heads and think, I never get anything done. But all you have to do is look back in your crochet journal and realize, Oh my goodness, yes I have finished a lot of projects.
It’s a reminder of our own progress as well as inspiration to keep going.
You don’t need a fancy journal, you can make one from supplies around your house or just use a notebook you already have. There are even digital ones like on Ravelry where you can keep track of all those finished projects.
Treat Yo’ Self

One step that I think can be a powerful motivator is to reward yourself for finishing crochet projects.
Maybe treat yourself to a new skein of yarn or a fancy new crochet hook you’ve had your eye on.
Find that little carrot that will get you excited to keep working when the motivation is low.
Knowing there’s a reward at the end can give you the extra push you need to finish a WIP.
How to [FINALLY] Finish Your Crochet WIPs
Finishing crochet WIPs requires a combination of organization, motivation and consistency. But it can be done! There’s no reason to feel overwhelmed and unmotivated. You just needed a plan.
Make sure to get your FREE Honey, Get Control of your WIPs workbook in the description box below.
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