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How to Finish Your WIPs in 7 Easy Steps [+ FREE Printable Worksheet]

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Are you overwhelmed with your current WIPs (Works in Progress)? Have too many? Don’t know how to finish them all? Grab your FREE downloadable worksheet and feel good about your crocheting and knitting projects again. In it you’ll discover How to Finish Your WIPs in 7 Easy Steps!

I never thought I would be “that” person.

For years I’ve prided myself on being a one-wip-gal, never daring to pick up a new crocheting or knitting project until my current one was finished.

You know the saying about pride right? (it goes before the fall)

So here I am, struggling with overwhelm from the amount of WIPs I’ve accumulated. I seriously don’t know how they have all snuck up on me, but here we are.

Thankfully, back when I had my act together I created a little workbook to get control of those WIPs and now is the time for me to use it.

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How to Finish Your WIPs! Watch the Episode!

Get Your FREE Printable Worksheet

First things first, grab your FREE printable worksheet: Honey, Get Control of Your WIPs.

How to finish your WIPs

It will be your guide for how to finish your WIPs in 7 Easy Steps. You will be able to store all your information in one place and keep it organized.

Breathe a sigh of relief.

We are going to get this situation under control.

How to Finish Your WIPs in 7 Easy Steps

There’s nothing wrong with having multiple WIPs.

Some people actually find that it helps their creativity to jump from one project to another. It’s a boredom buster for them and they are more productive for it.

Then there are people like me that flounder when I have too many WIPs.

I get decision fatigue and don’t know what to work on. The projects languish in WIP-dom for way too long.

For that reason I will be following my own advice and working through the workbook: Honey, Get Control of Your WIPs. And I’ll be sharing how this process goes as I work through each of the seven steps.

And if you’re one of those lucky people who likes working on multiple WIPs at a time, have a little chuckle and enjoy your crocheting and knitting projects for us.

Count All Your WIPs

The first step in the workbook is to count up all your WIPs.

I thought I knew how many I had, but I was wrong.

To my complete surprise I ended up with six WIPs. I thought I had four, maybe five at the most. But when I went hunting for them all, I was shocked at the number.

  • Selbu Socks – Knitting
  • Gus the Seagull – Crochet Amigurumi
  • A Kitten and His Mitten – Crochet/ Knitting Amigurumi
  • Pinwheel Mitts Kit from Loop London – Knitting
  • Premier Yarns – Yarn Experiment
  • Island Stroll CAL – Crochet

The Best 8 Beach Themed Amigurumi Projects

Gather All the Supplies for Each WIP in One Place

The second step is to gather all the supplies into one place for each WIP.

Thankfully I keep all the materials for each of my crocheting and knitting projects all together. That makes this step quite simple and easy to do.

Make sure you include the hooks or needles you will need, the yarn and notions.

Decide If This is a WIP You Want to Finish

The third step is to decide if this is a WIP you want to commit to finishing.

Ask yourself this question (made famous by Marie Kondo):

Does this spark joy?

If your WIP makes you happy, keep it and commit to completing it.

But if you no longer find joy in this WIP, it’s ok to let it go. In the workbook you will find tips for what to do with the project if you decide not to finish this one.

  • Frog the entire project and wind it back into reusable yarn.
  • From there you can put the yarn back into your stash.
  • Sell the yarn on Facebook marketplace (or another online platform).
  • Sell the yarn at a garage sale.
  • Organize a trade with a crafty friend.
  • Donate the yarn to a friend or local charity. 
  • Gift the entire WIP to someone who would enjoy finishing the project., maybe an elderly neighbor or a friend just learning how to knit or crochet.
  • Contact a local yarn shop to see if they would accept the donation.

Each of my six WIPs bring me great joy, so I will be keeping them all.

WIP Due Dates and Deadlines

The fourth step is to list any due dates or deadlines for each WIP.

Are you crocheting or knitting projects for any birthdays or holidays? Are you prepping to sell your makes at a local market?

I have two projects that have deadlines.

The new cat I am crocheting and knitting is going to my son’s neurologist. He is moving to a new hospital several states away and I want to thank him for all he has done for our son.

Crochet & Knitting Therapy: Crafting in the Hospital

The Kitten and His Mittens amigurumi toy needs to be finished by May 31st at the latest for our appointment on June 1st.

I’m also testing some brand new yarns. Playing around with new yarn is one of my favorite things to do. But I would like to complete this WIP by June 30th.

Time Left to Complete Each WIP?

The fifth step is to guesstimate how much time is left to complete each WIP.

Gus the Seagull is an easy project to complete. He only needs his tail sewn on. I can finish that in fifteen minutes, max.

My other five WIPs will take various different amounts of time to complete. The Selbu Socks from Knitography Farm, will take approximately three days to finish.

Other projects will take days and some others will take weeks.

Amigurumi Designing, Sock Knitting & Book Shopping

Supply List

Make a list of any supplies you may need to complete each project.

Do you need more yarn or a different size crochet hook?

Make sure to order those supplies in time to be able to finish your projects on time.

Thankfully I have all the supplies I need to finish each WIP. (I wish I could order more time!)

Premier Yarns

Order Them On Your Worksheet

Now you’re at the most exciting part!

Write your WIPs in the order you want to complete them.

This is when this little exercise pays off. And I hope it brings you the same satisfaction that I feel when completing this step.

I based my list on how quickly I could finish each project and if they had due dates.

It feels good to have a plan to get them all finished.

How to Finish Your WIPs! Pin for Later!

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