Certified Crochet Instructor Reacts to YOUR Unpopular Crochet Opinions
Wow, you guys had some unpopular opinions about crochet and today we are going to talk about them. In today’s post a Certified Crochet Instructor reacts to your unpopular crochet opinions.
I asked and you delivered. I got hundreds of unpopular crochet opinions and what’s really funny about it is there are so many different ideas about crochet and many of them are polar opposites of each other.
Certified Crochet Instructor Reacts to YOUR Unpopular Crochet Opinions
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I want to start out with this one comment and I think it’s an important one to keep in mind as we go through this list.
My unpopular opinion is that knit and crochet unpopular opinions are unnecessarily divisive. Almost everything is a matter of someone’s preferences and it gets framed as “I’m right, you’re wrong”. Crochet is my conflict free safe space and I don’t like this kind of thing. No offense, I can avoid it
I understand where this person is coming from. These unpopular crochet opinions are just for fun. They aren’t meant to be taken seriously at all. This is for entertainment purposes, no need to take offense, I certainly won’t be.
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But we are starting off with a doozy, so hold on to your hat.
Knitting is Better Than Crochet

Very unpopular opinion: Knitting is better and I mean by a LOT.
(I still like your videos and I still also like to crochet, but knitting is just so much better…. smoother and softer textures, great versatility in making clothes, the blessing that you don’t have to keep looking at it by every stitch (unless you do a complicated pattern), and I could go on and on :D)
Well, I wasn’t lying when I said there were some pretty strong opinions in these parts and this one really is an unpopular opinion.
Honestly I couldn’t disagree with this more.
There is so much to love about crochet.
Knitting and crochet have a lot of things in common, but in truth they are very different. This is like comparing apples to oranges.
I Don’t Like Granny Squares

Oh, I so hate to admit to this, but I’m not a fan of the granny square.
This one really surprised me. And more than that, many of you felt the same way.
I was under the impression that most of us liked granny squares and I was proven wrong!
Crochet Hook Measurements

Check out the post:
$1 vs $26 CROCHET HOOK | Budget vs Luxury Crochet Hooks
It would be better if hooks would just be identified by their mm measurements than letters/numbers. Not all mm sizes are assigned the same letter/number. Letters/numbers should be dropped entirely.
I 100% agree with this unpopular crochet opinion! Using millimeters to measure crochet hooks is much more precise and I wish we could standardize this!
Yarn Over Vs. Yarn Under for Amigurumi

All amigurumi should be made using yarn under.
This is another crochet opinion that I completely disagree with.
I made an entire amigurumi toy with yarn under and I felt like my wrist was going to snap off! Yes, yarn under does make very pretty small “X” shaped stitches. But for some of us, it feels bad and that’s a deal breaker.
If you want to learn more about yarn over vs. yarn under for amigurumi check out this post:
Yarn Over vs Yarn Under for Amigurumi
Yarn Stash

You don’t need a yarn stash to be a real crocheter. You can be 100% stashless and only purchase what you are going to use right away.
This is an unpopular crochet opinion that I can 100% support.
To be a real crocheter, you just need to crochet. There is no amount of yarn that a person needs to possess to be a “real crocheter”.
Sometimes I wish I had a little less yarn than I do, lol.
Crochet Speed

Crochet is not all about speed. There’s too much emphasis put on finishing projects quickly or racing to finish. Crochet should be enjoyable at any speed and no one should make you feel bad for being a slow crocheter.
This is another opinion that I agree with 100%!
I’m not a particularly fast crocheter. I like to take my time and enjoy the stitches.
There is no need to crochet faster, unless that’s just a personal goal. I see a lot of videos of people on social media crocheting at lightening speed and all I can think is, “That person is going to end up with a repetitive motion injury soon.”
UK vs US Crochet Terms
I wish the UK and United States would work together on single, double and treble crochet stitches.
Why did they ever develop a different system in the first place???
I’ve picked up a pattern only to discover that it was written in UK terms. That is so frustrating.

This is a visual from Gathered.how and it shows the differences between UK and US crochet terms. CONFUSING!
Crochet Business

You don’t need to make it a business. It’s great that that works for some people, but crafting can also be a hobby and you are never obligated to turn your hobby into a job no matter what hustle culture tells you.
I couldn’t agree with this more.
It’s ok for crochet to just be a hobby. In fact it’s better than ok!
For some people it is a wonderful way to earn a living, but for most people this will and should remain a wonderful hobby.
Learn more about starting a crochet YouTube channel here:
Starting a Crafting YouTube Channel? Do These 12 Things
Unfinished Projects
It’s okay to have a bunch of WIPs, even if you’re never gonna finish them. if this is your hobby it should be fun, if the current project you’re on feels more like a chore than a hobby its okay to just abandon it for now. hobbies are supposed to be fun!
This is an unpopular crochet opinion that I have mixed feelings about.
Of course, it’s ok to have unfinished projects. It’s your hobby, do what feels right for you.
But at the same time, I feel like there are times when we need to push ourselves. I have received many comments and messages from people who feel frustrated because they start a lot of projects and then never finish them.
If you need help getting your WIPs in order and finished check out my resource:
How to Finish Your WIPs in 7 Easy Steps [+ FREE Printable Worksheet]

Learn to Knit
My opinion: if you wanna make something that looks like knit, then learn to knit. It’s really rewarding to have both crafts under your belt and it makes you appreciate each craft for its own qualities.
As much as I love crochet, I also agree with this unpopular crochet opinion.
I do believe that if you want to crochet something that looks like knitting, why not learn how to knit?
One of the best things I’ve done for myself is learn how to both knit and crochet!

Crochet Isn’t Just for Women
Hopefully this isn’t that unpopular, but crochet (and knitting for that matter) IS FOR EVERYBODY!!!! I come from rural Alabama where there’s an emphasis on men doing “manly things”. I taught myself how to crochet when I was 14 and so many people got on my back about it because “Crochet is for women”, especially when I was in school. Nothing got under my skin more than that.
I sure hope that in 2024 we all agree with this opinion.
There are so many men who not only crochet, but they design as well.

Loose Ends
I don’t like crocheting around my loose ends, I just don’t think that it is very secure, but I also enjoy weaving in loose ends.
I agree with this as well. I am a weaver of ends. I probably do it a little too much. But I never want my projects to come undone.
That would drive me insane! So it’s ok to overkill on the weaving in of ends.
Crochet Clothes are Ugly

Crochet clothes looks kinda ugly sometimes.
I agree. There are some absolutely gorgeous crochet clothes out there, but then there are some hideous ones.
We’ve come a long way from the 60’s and 70’s but I do agree that we have a ways to go.
Stitch Count

Check Out The Amigurumi Pig Finger Puppet Pattern – FREE Crochet Pattern Here
Don’t stress over stitch count if you can’t tell it’s off. Fudge it!
This is a personality trait that I do not possess.
I wouldn’t be able to sleep if I had the wrong stitch count in a project. But I do admire this ability to let little things go and to just have fun with it.
More Unpopular Crochet Opinions
If you want to know all of the different unpopular crochet opinions, make sure to check out the YouTube video.
Do you have any unpopular crochet opinions? Make sure to leave a comment in the video!
Certified Crochet Instructor Reacts to YOUR Unpopular Crochet Opinions
I hope you enjoyed reading Certified Crochet Instructor Reacts to YOUR Unpopular Crochet Opinions. It’s always fun to see what others think about crochet!
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