Spring Knitting and Watercoloring
Grab your favorite beverage, your latest project and come stitch with me. We will explore spring knitting, decorating for the seasons, Norwegian socks and watercoloring.
Spring has sprung…more accurately, spring is springing here in beautiful North Carolina.
I have two favorite seasons, fall and spring. And while we aren’t fully into spring yet, Mother Nature is starting to give us glimpses of what’s to come. And I’m here for it.
The daffodils are peaking up out of the ground and the birds are all a flutter, visiting the bird feeder and occasionally having a few mild spats with one another.
I have also been bitten by the knitting bug again and just finished the sweetest little bunny, the perfect spring project.
My other passion at the moment is learning how to watercolor. It’s such a calming and creative pastime and I am thoroughly enjoying myself.
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Spring Knitting
I’ve been wanting to knit one of the adorable patterns by Lovely Knit Creation for quite some time. Her beautiful projects are all made in the softest of colors and each one is completely captivating.
She has bunnies, bears, elephants, pandas and mice.
Although she has many different patterns to choose from, I decided I had to knit her sweet little bunny.
The sweet little details of the bow and dress are perfect for spring.

Knitted Bunny
I found the knitted bunny pattern extremely well written and easy to understand. It was a joy to work on and I think my newly finished bunny may need a little friend soon.

Yarn Used
I knew the exact yarn I wanted to use for this project. Although it isn’t very budget friendly, I had some in my stash, so why not use it up.
Thankfully, knitting doesn’t use up as much yarn as crocheting and I was surprised with how little it actually took to make this adorable little one.
I used:
- Rowan Kid Classic in the color Feather
- Rowan Kidsilk Haze in the color Lustre
Holding these two yarns together gives the bunny a very fuzzy, but incredibly soft texture. It creates a delicious halo effect. Also using two different colors gives the entire project beautiful dimension.

Spring Amigurumi Adoption Kit
Check out the Spring Amigurumi Adoption Kit Here
Last year, I created the Spring themed Amigurumi Adoption Kit and I feel like it pairs perfectly with my new knitted spring bunny.
When you purchase the Amigurumi Adoption Kit, you will get the Adoption Certificate, matching gift tags, and a Keepsake Letter to create a gift giving experience.
You will also receive a welcome letter explaining how to use your Amigurumi Adoption Kit to get the most out of it.

Spring Home
I’ve decided that 2022 is the year that I’m going to get act together where my home is concerned.
I’m a messy housekeeper.
Which is strange because I wasn’t always this way. When my children were young, I ran a tight ship. I liked the house being neat and tidy.

I don’t know if it’s because of the pandemic or because I am more interested in creative endeavors (also known as making messes), but my house isn’t the way I want it to be.
And I’ve decided it’s time to change that.
For spring, I’m adding little decorative touches around the house as a way to inspire myself. My thinking is if I make things look pretty, I’ll be more motivated to keep it clean and tidy. Wish me luck.

Knitography Selbu Socks

One of the things that I’m really excited about is learning how to knit socks.
I wrote about finishing my first pair back in the fall, but I haven’t picked it up until now.
I’m not really sure why sock knitting sounds so wonderful, but it really appeals to me.
Earlier last year, I completed a class with Patricia from Knitography Farm, which I also wrote about.
I made the most beautiful traditional Norwegian hals (also known to us as a cowl) and learned how to do stranded knitting in a whole new way.

Traditional Norwegian knitting is a little different than Fair Isle or other types of colorwork. The motifs are unique to Norway as well as their cast on.
I am enjoying Patricia’s online class so much. She is a gifted teacher and as an American by birth, she has a unique perspective to share on Norwegian knitting. She loves to weave in stories of Norwegian knitting into her tutorials and it is delightful.
Spring Watercoloring

Watercoloring is one of my favorite things to do, even though I’m not very good at it.
One thing I’m loving this spring is a book I found called Watercolor with Me In the Forest by Dana Fox.
This book is part tutorial, part workbook and each one of the projects is adorable.
The skills build upon one another with each project so that you get better as you progress through the book.
Check out the Watercolor With Me Book

Another thing that is really wonderful about this book is that the finished painting is on the right side of the page layout and on the left is the sketch. So you don’t have to worry if you don’t really know to draw. It’s a lot like paint by number, just without the numbers.

Spring Knitting and Watercoloring
I hope you enjoyed this look into my spring creative projects. There’s something so inspiring about spring and the rebirth of nature this time of year.
What’s inspiring your creativity right now?
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Love the bunny too!!! Might have to put this one on my list to do as well. so many to choose from. Proud of you for trying socks, I do them all the time and always have a pair on my needles. And proud of you for trying the water color painting. Keep at it!!!
Thank you so much! I can hardly put the socks down!! 🧦