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Granny Square Blanket Project Details

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Crocheted blankets are a labor of love and this one is no exception. In this Granny Square Blanket Project Details post I’m sharing the inspiration, the pattern and the exact colors I used. This is sure to be a treasure for years to come.

This granny square blanket was originally titled Carolina Springtime in honor of when I began the project and the gorgeous colors that were surrounding me at the time. The azaleas, daffodils, and camellias are always stunning in early spring here in North Carolina.

I didn’t finish the project as quickly as I had planned and spring changed to summer and summer faded into fall. At the height of our beautiful autumn weather, we unexpectedly added a new family member.

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On October 4th, 2019, my husband and I were walking out beloved dog, Jersey-Boy. We do this every evening, just as the sun begins to fall from the sky. A curious sound caught our attention and prompted us to investigate further.


When we discovered that the noise, which was quite loud, was coming from a teeny,, tiny kitten stuck in the wheel well of a car, we were not just shocked but concerned. After forty-five minutes we were able to coax her out (with a can of tuna fish) and I grabbed her up before she had another chance to run away.

(I videoed the entire encounter from beginning to end on my Instagram stories. I have saved them in my highlight “Olive the Cat”.)

We attempted to contact the owner of the car, looked for a nest of kittens and even watched from a distance to see if the momma cat would return. But when all those efforts failed we considered it fate that she was meant to be ours.

I keep referring to her as a “she”, but at the time we had no idea if she was indeed a “she” or a “he”. The next day the veterinarian confirmed that our new kitten was indeed a girl, that she was completely flea ridden and that she weighed less than a pound. We named her Olive and have loved her ever since.

I decided not long after that to crochet this afghan for Olive because the colors perfectly compliment our dark gray kitty. And as a new member of the family, she needed a handmade blanket to call her own.

Granny Square Blanket Project Details


If you are unfamiliar with the incredibly talented, Lucy, from Attic 24, may I have the pleasure of introducing you. Lucy has been blogging for over a decade and has published dozens of gorgeous patterns for free. She uses her native landscape in England to inspire her incredible designs and color choices.

Harmony Blanket

I chose Lucy’s Harmony Blanket because it is everything an afghan should be, cozy and beautiful. The combination of colors and granny square design drew me in immediately.

I am also a big fan of the join-as-you-go method. The details for how to do that for this particular project is also on the Attic 24 blog. There are thorough descriptions as well as numerous photos for each section.

Yarn Choice

Initially I was concerned about the recommended yarn. I typically do not use 100% acrylic, but decided if it was good enough for Lucy, then it was good enough for me. I was pleasantly surprised that not only was the yarn beautiful, but it was soft to the touch.

Basket of yarn beside a granny square blanket.

Stylecraft Special DK

Stylecraft Special DK comes in eighty different colors and at only $2.95 a skein, it is one heck of a deal. I referred to the free pattern on the Attic 24 site for information about how many skeins of each color I would need to order.

Color Choice

I look for inspiration all around me for choosing colors. Making those decisions for a crocheted or knitted toy is simple for me. But I need help when picking the right combination of colors for an entire blanket.

Thankfully, I didn’t have to look very far and stumbled upon the most gorgeous color combination from The Patchwork Heart on Instagram. Heather is a master at choosing the right hues and shades for her projects. The good news is that she lists out the type of yarn and the exact colors she uses for her crocheted blankets.

Stylecraft Special DK Colors

  • Gold
  • Raspberry
  • Graphite
  • Cream
  • Pale Rose
  • Mushroom
  • Silver (for the join-as-you-go color)

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Border Time

For the border I went AWOL and did my own thing, which was a risky endeavor, but turned out beautifully.

  • For the first round of the border, I used the Graphite color and single crocheted around the entire blanket. In each of the four corners I made three single crochet.
  • In the second round I made a double crochet in the Raspberry color in each of the previous round’s stitches.
  • Finally for the final round I added a Pom Pom edging from Bella Coco Crochet. You can find her full video tutorial here. I used the Gold color for this round.

Granny Square Blanket Project Details

I hope you enjoyed this post for how to make my gorgeous afghan that I have renamed “Olive’s Blanket”. I couldn’t be happier with the colors, the granny square design, and the triple pom pom border.

And Olive has taken to it like a duck to water. The colors couldn’t compliment her gorgeous gray fur any better.

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  1. Watched the whole video, even though it’s a far off dream “someday” lol. Olive needs her own blankee. I love that stinking cute bird in Picapau. I had to say tit mouse once in my blog LOL. Yes, start that bird in red/white/blue. ohh how nice!!

    1. When Dawn used that word for the bird I knew I would have a hard time repeating it! 😂 Isn’t that woodpecker adorable???? Oh my goodness! So many projects, so little time!

  2. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! What a wonderful story and wonderful blanket. It’s officially in my queue. Absolutely love it💕💕💕💕

  3. Love the blanket, your use of color always inspires me! Everything just looks so warm and inviting! Olive is indeed a spoiled kitty!

  4. I vote for the woodpecker ☺️ He is so so cute 😍 Like you i love blankets and im always working on one Thank you for another great video as always it feels Like your a good friend and were having a cup of tea talking and laughing 👍