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How to Crochet Granny Squares for Beginners

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Welcome to your beginner guide for how to crochet granny squares. How to Crochet Granny Squares for Beginners takes you from true novice to expert in no time flat.

Granny Squares are the comfort food of the crafting world. And right about now we could all use a little comfort. I’m thinking ooey gooey mac and cheese and piping hot blackberry cobbler. Yummmmmmm!

My entire journey into the creative world began through a granny square portal. When my eyes first laid upon a gorgeous baby blanket made from a crocheted starburst pattern, I was hooked…literally. Since that moment I have had yarn in my hands more days than not.

You can read more about my journey into the crocheting and knitting world here or better yet check out the podcast episode I was on with Brittany from Bhooked. Right about now you might have a little extra time on your hands.

I was on the Bhooked Podcast!

How to Crochet a Granny Square

I’ve teamed up with the beautiful Cheryl, from @cherylmariehandmade to bring this tutorial to you. We didn’t want you to learn to crochet a granny square and have nothing to show for it. Cheryl designed these adorable cards so that you could show off your new talent.

Check out my post and video for how to read a crochet pattern if that is something you’ve been wanting to learn.

First, there are three different cards, each featuring a different granny square. They are an instant download from her Etsy shop and can be printed from home. And since they are all black and white they are easy on the printer ink budget.

You can choose to keep them as a greeting card project, but I’m selfish and wanted to keep them for myself. I cut off the back side of the card and added some gorgeous printed paper from Mollie Makes magazine. My plan is to frame these and hang them in my craft room once the coronavirus apocalypse is over.

Cheryl Marie Handmade

Do yourself a favor and go check out Cheryl’s blog. She has an amazing design esthetic and has some lovely free crochet patterns over there too. To find the printable pattern and cards head to her Etsy shop.

Link to Cheryl’s pattern.

Supplies Needed

To make the granny squares without the cards, you can use whatever yarn and hook you already have on hand. This is an adorable project but isn’t necessary to be able to learn how to make the classic granny square.

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Granny Square Tutorial

I am terrible at writing out a tutorial. Instead, I created a very detailed video for the complete novice. I tried to make a how-to guide for someone who doesn’t even know how to hold a crochet hook. So if you are a total beginner, you are in luck!

If you already know how to crochet then you can skip sections and get to the meat of the project. You’ll be hooking up granny squares in no time flat.

Please share this tutorial with your friends and family who might like to learn as well. I think even an older child or teenager could make these with no prior experience, they pick up on things like this so much faster than us. Plus granny squares and crocheting are super “in” right now. Fashion houses, Dolce & Gabbana and Christian Dior, have recently featured granny squares in their recent collections. The phrase, “It’s hip to be square” has never been more true.

How to Crochet Granny Squares for Beginners

I hope you found this tutorial helpful and the content inspired. Granny squares are a wonderful way to pass the time whether you are stuck at home for an indefinite amount of time or on the go from sun up to sun down. Happy Stitching!

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  1. So cute, about all I know how to to, well once, a long time ago. I think this is a great starting point for me to learn again.

  2. I have been crocheting for a while and have never crocheted a Granny Square! I am hoping to crochet some soon. I want to use this pattern you have posted for the squares to make a blanket in the future, but how do you connect them together? Thanks for the pattern!

    1. I’m going to do a video for different ways to join! I have a couple of favorites and one is the join as you go method! So if you want to get started before I get the video out in a couple of weeks then check that method out on YouTube! You are going to love granny squares!! 👵🏻⏹👵🏻⏹

    1. I’m excited for you!! There are tons of tutorials online, check out @bellacococrochet on YouTube! She has great granny square joining tutorials! 👵🏻⏹👵🏻⏹

  3. I think I am going to try this, this weekend-I am sure I will rewind a LOT. Thanks for making this-if you ever want to come up with another pattern, may I suggest the little 3-4 inch stars? I have purchased many books and still can’t figure it out. I would like to start soon so when Christmas comes, I will have plenty-I know you are super busy, put this in the “suggestion box”, please 🙂

    1. That’s fantastic! I hope they enjoy it! Granny squares are just the absolute best beginner project, but what’s great about them is that even as crocheters advance there’s just something so wonderful and versatile about them. 👵🏻⏹👵🏻⏹

  4. I love love love LOVE this post. What an awesome idea!!! I didn’t get into crocheting Granny squares because the thought of collecting a bunch for a blanket had me feeling discouraged. These little cards and a bookmark… Awesome!!! For a book lover… this is a dream project.