First Time Needle Felting

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Needle felting is the art of creating three dimensional creations from wool. My first experience with this new craft went much better than I anticipated and I’m looking forward to making and learning more about this unique craft.

I thought this was going to turn out terrible, like really awful. But to my surprise, without any experience or expertise, this little birdie turned out pretty cute. The process was enjoyable and with just a few tools (and some protection for my fingers) I found it to be a beginner friendly project.

My mom originally bought this kit for herself at a local yarn shop. The adorable birds on the front immediately drew her in. She is an avian enthusiast and loves feeding them in her beautiful, flower-filled yard. But she didn’t feel confident that she could complete the project, so handing it to me said, “Here, you do it.” Well, ok then.

I started on this project with no hopes that it would turn out looking anything like a bird. I have no experience with needle felting and thought that it was going to be one of those crafts that took a tremendous amount of time and a certain level of proficiency. Thankfully I was wrong and now I have a cute little bird sitting on my mantle amongst my fall decor.

If you’re interested in a little more behind the scenes at Le Petit Saint Crochet, check out my Youtube video.

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Kromski North America

First of all this is a great kit from Kromski North America. They are a family run business from Georgia and they are true craftsmen. Spinning wheels and looms seem to be their speciality. There’s a lot of information about how the company originally began back in 1918 and how it has evolved until now.

Materials Included

The kit includes everything you will need to complete your very own bird.

  • Foam Felting Pad
  • 7 Felting needles and case
  • Wooden Needle Holder
  • Finger protectors
  • Awl
  • Kromski Polish Merino in 5 different colors
  • One pair of glass eyes
  • Cloth covered wire for legs
  • Instructions

I have never worked with felted wool before and let me just tell you that it is gorgeous. The colors are so rich. I even have enough left over to make a second bird, if our little guy needs a friend. They only material I would need to buy is cloth covered wire for the legs and feet.

Looking through their website I found that they also have three additional kits, a gnome, a toadstool, and a pumpkin. They are all completely adorable. I’m a big fan of fairytale style projects and they would be so cute as decorations around the home.


The instructions are a step-by-step guide with photos. I found that if I read one section and worked on just that part it worked well. The photos aren’t super high quality but the written instructions are very clear. It would be helpful to check out a Youtube tutorial or needle felting blog if you are unfamiliar with the process. (Psssst…I have those listed below for you)


Here are two resources I found particularly helpful:

  • Bear Creek Felting – a serious blog for those interested in really learning how to needle felt. She has tons of blog articles with helpful information. But it is also an online shop and there is even a needle felting academy for folks who really want learn this amazing art form.
  • Felting for Beginners Youtube tutorial – Maqaroon is an adorable crafting channel on Youtube and they have a video series all about needle felting. I found the video I watched to be very clear and helpful.

Thank You!

Thank you to each and every one of you who stop by the Le Petit Saint Crochet blog and tolerate my ramblings. It really does mean the world to me that you would come by for a visit. Please let me know where you’re from and a little about yourself.

You can also keep up daily with Le Petit Saint Crochet on Instagram or Facebook. I post stories about my dog Jersey-boy and new rescue kitty, Olive quite frequently, maybe a little too frequently.

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